Superleggera offers all the methods of composite part manufacture to best suit the outcome required.

These include Prepreg, Vacuum Infusion, Vac Bagging, Wet Lay-up, Compression Moulding.

Whether it is cost, aesthetic importance, weight sensitivity, strength requirement, volume expectations. Whatever the targets are for your project, we use the numerous methods and materials available to us to achieve the desired outcome.

Superleggera can devise a plan in simple terms to move towards a realisation and materialisation of almost any Carbon Fibre/Composite product idea. We pride ourselves on tackling projects that other manufacturers deem too challenging.

We have vast experience in manufacturing moulds and tooling, patterns/plugs, as well as modifying existing parts or shapes to create moulds from.

We are also experts in converting and remaking products manufactured from traditional materials such as steel and alloys, by using composite materials to achieve new possibilities.

Contact us to discuss your project ideas today.

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